Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Indonesia History

National Movement period marked by the emergence of modern organizations, among others, Budi Utomo (BU), SI (SI), and the Indische Partij (IP) in the fight for improved fate of the nation. The learned through organizations powering the emergence of the Indonesian nationalist movement. It was then that the peoples of the archipelago started to realize the sense of "as a nation" that the Indonesian nation. The word "National Movement" contains a unique understanding of the struggle waged by the modern organization toward improvement of living standard of the Indonesian nation is because of discontent against the existing state of society. Thus, this term contains a very broad sense. Movements they are doing is not just limited to improving the degree of the nation but also includes the movement in various areas of educational, cultural, religious, women and youth. The term National means that these movements have a national goal that is willing to achieve independence for his people who are still colonized. As for the factors that led to the emergence of national movements, among others are: 1. Factors originating from abroad, namely at the time Asia is facing imperialism. This has encouraged the rise of Asian nationalism. In addition, the Japanese victory against Russia also is evidence that the nation can beat the nation's east west. Besides the Young Turk movement that aims to seek improvements fate. 2. Factors originating from within the country that is the existence of discontent from the Indonesian people against colonialism and colonial oppression. Dissatisfaction was actually already long they expressed through armed resistance against the Dutch, among others, led by Pattimura, Teuku Cik Ditiro, Prince Diponegoro, etc.. But the resistance-resistance is doomed to failure. Failure to realize this is the nation's leaders to change tactics in achieving their goals, namely to establish modern organizations. The idea first came from the establishment of Budi Utomo dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, a doctor from Surakarta, Java. He wanted the young workers who are Western educated, but in general the boys were not able to support himself. In connection with that need to be collected to fund their scholarships. In 1908, dr. Wahidin met with student Sutomo Stovia. Doctors Wahidin expressed his ideas on Stovia learners and students are welcome him properly. By chance the students Stovia also requires a container that can accommodate their cultural activities and life in general. Accordingly on May 20, 1908 held a meeting in one grade in Stovia. The meeting succeeded in forming an organization called Budi Utomo with Sutomo appointed as chairman.
At first aim is to ensure the progress of Budi Utomo life as a respectable nation. This progress can be achieved by seeking improvement of education, teaching, culture, agriculture, animal husbandry, and trade. However, in line with the development time goals and activities of Budi Utomo was experiencing growth. In 1914 proposed the establishment of Budi Utomo, the Indian Defence Committee (Comite Indie Weerbaar). Budi Utomo consider the need for native militia to defend Indonesia from external threats due to the first World War. Furthermore, when the Volksraad (People's Council) was established, Budi Utomo active in these institutions. In the Budi Utomo Volksraad put 20 people representative of the total 46 members. In 1932, Budi Utomo, an understanding of nationalism growing in the year that they put the ideals of Indonesia's independence in the organization's goals. Unlike the Budi Utomo was originally only uplift the nobility, especially in Java, the organization of Islamic States sasaran its members include all the common people scattered throughout the country. In 1909 R.M. Tirtoadisuryo founded the company in the form of cooperative named SI Islamic Trade (SDI). The Company aims to eliminate trade monopoly of the Chinese merchants who sell the materials and drugs to batik. Competition Bumiputra batik traders via SDI with Chinese traders also appear in Surakarta. Therefore Tirtoadisuryo encourage a batik merchant who succeeded in Surakarta, Haji Samanhudi to establish Islamic Trade Unions. A year after being founded, the Islamic Trade Union grew rapidly into a giant organization. Around the end of August 1912, the name was changed to Islamic Trade Union of Islamic States (SI). This was done because of the fundamental changes in society, namely people achieve real progress with the road of brotherhood, unity and mutual assistance among the Muslims. Members of SI immediately extended to the whole of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Most of its members are ordinary people. Islamic States was able to read the will of the people, by helping to improve wages, land rent and social improvement of the peasants. These rapid developments seen in 1917 with the number of members reaches 450,000 people scattered in 84 branches. The increase in member States of Islam soon, making the Dutch East Indies government suspected. Governor-General Idenburg try to block its growth. Policies pursued by, among others, by simply giving consent as a legal entity at the local level. Conversely at the central level are not given permission because it is considered dangerous, too large number of members expected to fight the government. In its annual congress in 1916, Cokroaminoto propose to the government to form the Indian Defense Committee. It shows that the Indonesian people's political awareness began to increase. The congress also decided that there is one nation that unites all the Indonesian people. Meanwhile, those socialists who joined in de Indische Sociaal Democratische Vereeniging (ISDV) as Semaun, Darsono, and others trying to influence the SI. Since then, SI began to shift to the left (socialist). Seeing the development of SI, the SI leader who else then run the party discipline through the SI congress in October 1921 in Surabaya. Subsequently SI SI broke into "white" under Cokroaminoto and SI "red" under Semaun and Darsono. In the development of SI "red" joined the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), which has stood since May 23, 1923. Islamic States in congress in Madiun in 1923 the name was changed to the Party of Islamic States Islamic States. The party is nonkooperasi is not willing to cooperate with the government but want need a representative in the People's Council. Organizations that since its establishment has to be radical is Indische Partij. This organization was formed in 1912 among people in Indonesia Indo led by EFE Douwes Dekker. Her goal is for the people who settled in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) to sit in government. The motto is Indie Voor de Indier (Indies for those who dwell in the Indies). In carrying out its propaganda to Central Java, Douwes Dekker met with Cipto Mangunkusumo who have left the Budi Utomo. Cipto famous in Budi Utomo with radical views, immediately hooked on the idea Douwes Dekker. Suwardi Suryaningrat and Abdul Muis is located in Bandung also interested in the idea Douwes Dekker. With the support of these figures, Indische Partij grown to 30 branches with 7300 members, mostly made up of people of Indo-Dutch. Indische Partij voor Indie credited with bring the concept of de Indier are actually more extensive than the concept of "Java Kingdom" of Budi Utomo. Compared with the Budi Utomo, Indische Partij have included other tribes in the archipelago. Budi utomo in its development is affected also by the ideals of a broader nationalism. This is experienced also by other organizations whose membership consists of certain tribes, like States of Ambon, the Society of Minahasa, The Betawi, Indonesian Chinese Party, Selebes States, and Arab-Indonesian Party. The ideal of unity is then developed into a strong nationalism, it is becoming principal. Period end of the Indische Partij occurs when Suwardi Suryaningrat and Cipto Mangunkusumo arrested and asked to select a disposal area. Finally, the two leaders sought an exiled to Holland. Similarly, Douwes Dekker exiled to the Netherlands from 1913 until 1918. Radical period, defined as a period that gave rise to political organizations which then called the "party". In general, these organizations do not cooperate with the Dutch East Indies government in realizing the ideals of the organization. They firmly stated goal to achieve an independent Indonesia. Organizations or parties have been engaged in politics, especially against the Dutch government's decision. The period was also characterized the influence of radical Marxism and communism. In 1908 in the Netherlands stood an organization called the Indische Vereeniging. This organization was founded by students from Indonesia. At first only a social nature which is to advance the shared interests of the student. However, in line with the development of feelings of anti-colonialism and imperialism after World War I, the organization also wanted the rights to the Indonesian people to decide their own fate. In connection with the Indische Vereeniging renamed Indonesische Vereeniging (Indonesian Association) and aimed to achieve the independence of Indonesia. In line with that magazine Indonesia Association (PI) which was originally named "Indian Son" was also renamed "Indonesia Merdeka". The members of the PI trying to hold an independence propaganda Indenesia. In addition, they entered into relationships with national movements in various countries around the world, including the League Opponents Colonizer oppression, the Communist International and participated in the congress, an international congress which is humanistic.

In its development on 10-15 February 1927 Action League Opponents colonization of the first international congress held in Brussels. The purpose of this congress in the world is against imperialism and colonialism action. Dalan Brussels congress was attended representatives of various countries colonized nationalist movement in the world, including Indonesia, represented by Mohammad Hatta, Nazir Pamuntjak, Gatot Mangkupraja, Achmad Soebardjo and Semaun. As for the results that Congress decided in Brussels is: a. Provide maximum support to the Indonesian Independence Movement and to support continuous movement by all means whatsoever; b. Loudly demanded to the Government of the Netherlands for the movement of the Indonesian People are given the freedom to move, remove the death penalty decisions and disposal and requires the release of political prisoners for the movements. In the wake of decisions that provide support to the movement of the Indonesian Association soon became a member of Anti-Colonialism Action League. The aim is that the movement received international attention as well as of Indonesian youth to meet with leaders of other nations movement. In addition, also to instill a sense of common fate with the colonial peoples. For example, by national leaders of India, Indo China, Philippines, Egypt and tokon movement of the countries in the Pacific. Action Association of Indonesia (PI) that makes the Dutch colonial government to act decisively. Four members of the board of the Association of Indonesia Mohammad Hatta, Pamuntjak Nazir, Abdul Madjid, Ali Sastroamidjojo arrested. They faced trial in March 1928. On the occasion, Mohammad Hatta filed a defense speech, entitled "Indonesia Vry". Dutch colonial government did not succeed in proving his guilt, so they were released. This incident is an important event for the travel of the Indonesian National Movement. Opposition by a PI increasingly gained the sympathy of the people so that PI greater. High motivation to achieve the ideals of independent Indonesia was also apparent on the Indonesian National Party. In its articles of association stated clearly that achieving the independence of Indonesia. PNI believes that to build nationalism there are three conditions that must be inculcated to the people of the national soul (nationaale Geest), national determination (nationaale wil), and national acts (nationnale DAAD). In this way the Indonesian National Party tried to force their own people, improve the state of political, economic, and cultural. Understanding the three elements that make the community aware of the kemelaratannya in natural colonization. To the people of Indonesia explained that the past is very bright. Human Indonesia by Soekarno (figure PNI) impoverished by colonial. Indonesian Man who owns the land for a living, but remain poor. Indonesia's poor human was named Sukarno Marhaen. The spirit of nationalism Marhaen and blown by the Bung Karno gained the sympathy of political groups. Nasonalisme Marhaen spirit and that is what makes political parties the wake of their union. Therefore, at the end of 1927, PNI held a meeting in Bandung, which among others was attended by representatives from the Party of Islamic States, Budi Utomo, Circle Pasundan, Sumatranen Bond and The Batavia. Meeting led by the National Party agreed to form a joint body of the Union-Association of Indonesian National Politics (PPPKI). 8 The birth PPPKI getting a response in PNI congress in 1928. The congress pointed out that there is a sharp contradiction between pejajah and colonized. Netherlands, is an imperialist power dredge wealth Indonesian soil. That is why social arrangements, economic and political Indonesia devastated. To overcome this situation required political struggle which reached Indonesia's independence. There is no denying that there are elements of Marxism also influence the attitude of national movement. The thought was shared in meetings, courses and schools and youth organizations founded by PNI. Press PNI consisting of newspapers Bull Priangan (Bandung) and the Association of Indonesia (Jakarta) also helped the spread of this view. PNI activity is rapidly attracted the attention of the masses. The number of members of the PNI in 1929 estimated 10,000 people, spread out among others in Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Semarang and Makassar. PNI development is increasingly worrying the Netherlands Indies government. With accusations of rebellion, PNI leaders, Sukarno, et al arrested, then brought to trial August 18, 1930. In court, filed Soekarno speech defense "Indonesia Menggugat". PNI figures were then sentenced to prison. After the characters dtangkap, PNI was dissolved. Then formed the Free PNI (Indonesian National Education) by Moh. Hatta and Partindo Party (Indonesia) led Sartono. Once out of jail Ir. Sukarno signed Partindo. Nationalism is also growing among the youth. The youths who had set up various youth organizations also felt the need for unity. The spirit of unity is realized in the first youth congress in Jakarta in May 1926. The young people need to realize that nasonalisme grown from the narrow nature of regionalism towards the creation of the unity of the entire Indonesian nation. But this first congress has not produced results as expected. PPI is spearheading the implementation of the Youth Congress II. In Congress Youth II be held on 27-28 October 1928 various youth organizations such as Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Sekar Pillars, Pasundan, Jong Selebes, Youth The Betawi. Congress is trying to reassert the meaning of unity and succeeded in reaching an agreement which became known as the Youth Pledge, namely: First, our Prince and Princess of Indonesia claimed that one blood bertumpah, Indonesian soil. Secondly, Our Sons and Daughters Indonesia claimed that one of the nation, the Indonesian nation. Thirdly, Our Sons and Daughters Indonesia upholds the national language Indonesian language. In closing the congress was also voiced for the first time Indonesia Raya song White and Red Flag was raised to accompany the song. The atmosphere is very deeply touched the hearts of the youth who meet the present moment. As a follow-up to the Youth Pledge on December 31, 1930 in Surakarta, Indonesia Muda formed organization, which is the unification of various youth organizations, namely Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Minahasa, Jong Celebes, Indonesia Sekar Pillars and Youth. It makes the Dutch government the more serious political movement oversee the Indonesian nation. Governor General De Jonge do hard pressure on the organization's national movement. He has exceptional rights to take action against any national movement which is considered disturbing peace and order. Political parties be banned from meeting.
Muzzled newspapers and burned. The leaders were arrested and exiled. Government action in the form of arrest and exile of political leaders is what causes the relationship of political parties with the masses of the people lost. Leaders and followers are separated from political activity. The secret police or Politieke Inlichtingen Dienst (PID) is always spying on every move and ready to take action. The period of stay, at this stage of the movement trying to find new ways to continue the struggle. This was done because of the crackdown from the government. They are using new tactics, namely by cooperating with the government through parliament. Political parties to send their representatives in the People's Council. They take the path of cooperation, but it is temporary (incidental). That means if there's incompatibility with the political government, they can get out of the People's Council. Moderate and parliamentary struggle lasted from the years 1935-1942, during the reign of Governor-General Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer (1936-1942). Tjarda clever and sharp, and he still only provides an opportunity for parliamentary and limited. Until now the Dutch East Indies government out of business, granting full rights to the parliamentary representatives of the Indonesian people had never come true. Among the political parties who do cooperate with the government's tactics of the Dutch East Indies was the Unity Party of Indonesia and Indonesia Raya. Study Group of Indonesia in Surabaya suggested that the difference between cooperation and movement berasas nonkooperasi not have been exaggerated. The important goal the same organization that is fighting for the liberation of the people from suffering through economic prosperity, social, cultural and political. To implement the goals of economic prosperity, the United Nations Indonesia (PBI) to establish banks, cooperatives and farmers' associations and fishermen. Pemakarsanya is Doctor Sutomo, a founder of Budi Utomo. In 1932, members of PBI, amounting to 2500 people from 30 branches held a congress, the congress decided that PBI will continue to promote co-operatives, unions, and teaching. To achieve that goal then there is no other way to do but people paid attention by holding educational scouting activities. In 1935 occurred the union between Budi Utomo and PBI. In a party called the Party of Indonesia Raya (Parindra), its chairman is Dr. Sutomo. Organizations-Other oraganisasi joined in Parindra are: States of Sumatra, Celebes States, States of Ambon, The Batavia, and Tirtayasa. Combining the various parties make Parindra stronger and its members scattered everywhere. The number of members increased rapidly. In 1936 the number of members ranges from 3425 people from 37 branches. Parindra ideals became more assertive of achieving an independent Indonesia. In the congress in 1937, Wuryaningrat elected as chairman assisted by Mohammad Husni Thamrin, Sukarjo Wiryapranoto, Panji Suroso, and Susanto Tirtoprojo. Cooperation among members of the branches make Parindra as the strongest political party ahead of the collapse of the Dutch East Indies. In addition Parindra also emerged other organizations such as Partindo. But because the government's insistence that the party finally broke up in 1936. Its leaders continue the struggle to establish Indonesian People's Movement (Gerindo) in Jakarta on May 24, 1937. The characters are sitting in Gerindo is Mr. Sartono, Mr. Mohammad Yamin, and Mr. Amir Syarifuddin.
Its leaders want Gerindo become the party of the people with the principle of cooperation. The principle of democracy is maintained to resist the expansion of Japan's insistence that the closer. The struggle against the Dutch government continued. On the other hand, the fighters also prepare for the Japanese who began heading south. But then there was unrest in the Gerindo, so that the split was inevitable. Therefore Mr. Mohammad Yamin founded the Unity Party of Indonesia on July 21, 1939. The principle of struggle is a democratic and populist nationalism. But this organization has no place in society. During the government of Governor General of Limburg Stirum (1916-1921) established the Volksraad or People's Council, which is on May 18, 1918. The council members are selected and appointed from among the Dutch, Indonesia and other nations. Indonesian people who are members originally numbered 39%, then increased in subsequent years. The purpose of the establishment of the People's Council is for the representatives of the Indonesian people can participate in government. However, this board does not reflect the true representatives of the people, because the right to elect members of the council are the people close to the government. Representatives of many natives do not have voting rights. Nevertheless, political parties based on the principle of cooperative to send their representatives to sit in the People's Council. They channel the aspirations (ideals, hopes, desires) his party through the council. Medium nonkooperatif group considers the People's Council is just a play and they do not want to sit in the council. Cooperative Group do all it can to take advantage of the People's Council. In 1930 Mohammad Husni Thamrin, a member of the People's Council, formed the National Party to strengthen its ranks and national unity. They demanded changes in state administration and the elimination of discrimination in various fields. They also demanded the removal of several articles in the draft Dutch Penal Code concerning the arrest and exile leader of Indonesia's struggle and suppression of the press. On July 15, 1936 Sutarjo Kartohadikusumo, members of the council people, Indonesia has submitted a petition for self-government (autonomy) gradually in ten years. The answer to the new Sutarjo petitions granted by the government two years later. It is certain that the demand for autonomy is rejected government, because it provides an opportunity that threatens the collapse of colonial buildings. Nevertheless, the nationalists remained determined to fight claims that through these quasi-parliamentary forum. Failure to petition Sutarjo even a whip to boost the national struggle. In May 1939 Muh. Husni Thamrin form a Joint Political Indonesia (GAPI), which is a combination of Parindra, Gerindo, PSII, the Islamic Party of Indonesia, the Indonesian Catholic Party. Pasundan, The Batavia, and the Union of Minahasa. The goal is to form a single national force in the face of the colonial government. In addition, increasingly felt the threat of war because Japan has moved farther south and threaten Indonesia. GAPI entered into action and demanded Indonesia Berparlemen compiled and chosen by the people of Indonesia, the Government shall be responsible to Parliament. If the demands were received by the Government, GAPI will invite people to compensate for the generosity of the government. To achieve this goal GAPI then on December 24, 1939 formed the Indonesian People's Congress. This activity, among others, demanded the Dutch government
for making the Indonesian language as the national language, national anthem Indonesia Raya as white and red flag as the national flag. The government gave a cold reaction. Constitutional changes will be granted after World War II ended. On 1 September 1939 outbreak of war in Europe which later developed into a World War II. GAPI demands answered Visman Government with the establishment of the Commission in March 1941. The Commission, chaired Visman is tasked to investigate the desire of Indonesian society groups and the desired change of government. However, this Commission holds only desire Indonesian community that pro-government and still wants Indonesia but within the bounds of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The investigation commission Visman unsatisfactory. The Commission merely gives the wind or swapped talk to the Indonesian nationalists and not really respond to changes in Indonesian State. Before the Commission Visman realized, Japan have arrived in Indonesia. Nevertheless the Indonesian side has had time to propose three things: 1. Implementation of self-determination; 2. Use of the Indonesian language in the People's Council meeting; 3. Substitution of the word Inlander (native) to Indonesier.12 To strengthen the struggle of GAPI, KRI, transformed into the People's Assembly of Indonesia (MRI) in the conference in Yogyakarta on September 14, 1941. In the MRI sit representatives of political organizations, Islamic organizations, federations of unions, and civil servants. Although there are differences of opinion among the organizations that joined in the MRI, but the unity and integrity of the Nationalists continue to be nurtured until the entry of Japanese Military Forces.
The period of Japanese occupation lasted from the years 1942-1945, marked by important changes in the course of Indonesian history. changes were evident in the political, economic and social. During this Japanese pendudukkan, formed Investigation Agency Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence, which is very important for Indonesian struggle to achieve independence in particular. The figures that were previously active movement in the early days and the period of active radicals continue pouring his ideas for improving the fate of his people and then managed to escape declared independence from the influence of Japan. To learn further lessons, participants should understand and learn the Japanese Occupation in advance. On December 8, 1941 Japan is an ally of Germany, the United States attacked the fleet base at Pearl Harbour (Pacific). Since then the Pacific War, which is part of World War II in the Pacific region began. A month after the Japanese came in and attack Indonesia, ranging from Tarakan (East Kalimantan) and Sumatra and Java followed in two weeks later. Netherlands Indies government declares war on Japan five hours after the raid on Pearl Harbour, but the troops are not comparable with the Japanese troops who invaded Indonesia. Holland only has 4 divisions, while the Japanese attack with 6 to 8 division, so it is not surprising that the Governor-General Tjarda unconditional surrender of Japan in kalijati on 8 March 1942. The defeat was signed by the Commander of the Dutch army, Lieutenant General Ter Poorten, while the Japanese side was represented by General Hitosyi Imamura. With the entry of Japan does not mean that Indonesia's National Movement will cease. Petition Movement as Wibowo and Soetarjo that emerged in 1936 remain a cornerstone of the struggle of the movement in the Japanese. The purpose of this movement is to provide an understanding for Japan's military government to better understand the Indonesian people to achieve independence. Cause has been embedded in the movement. Therefore, the Japanese Military Administration can not avoid the formation of organizations such as the HEAD OF THE PEOPLE (Putera), Youth Menteng, Folk Revival Association and others. These organizations are in fact driven by figures such as Ir. Sukarno. Ki Hajar Dewantara, KH Mas Mansur, Chairul Saleh and others. The emergence of leaders of the National movement is a consequence of the effort to succeed the Greater East Asia war. That's why the movement leaders like Hatta, Syahrir, Sukarno immediately released from custody. Sukarno and Hatta then together form the organization's Center for the People's Power (Putera). It turns out the more dangerous activities PUTERA Japanese position, because that organization was disbanded and then replaced with the Association of the People's Awakening (Java Hokokai). Furthermore, both in villages and in the city also established youth organizations such as Seinendan and KEIBODAN. Both organizations are intended to assist the Japanese war against the Allied Forces. Insurgent political movement in the early occupation of Japan made the Japanese government banned all political activity. On March 21, 1942 issued a decree to disband all organizations engaged in politics. Japan only allows charitable organizations such as sports and arts. Political organization is possible if it were a joint movement for the benefit of Asian peoples such as the Movement 3 A. Through Movement 3 A Japanese introduced himself as a defender of Asia against Western imperialism cruelty. The movement is a slogan Nippon protector of Asia, Asia and Nippon light Nippon Asian leaders. This movement did not gain sympathy from the movement, especially led by a figure who is not famous like Mr. Syamsudin. Pacific War is a new chapter for the struggle to achieve independent Indonesia. On June 16, 1943 Japanese Prime Minister Tojo provide a new policy to broaden the field of education and culture and provide an opportunity to participate in the administration. Realization is seen with the establishment of agencies at local and national considerations.